Hey, I'm Kathryn! 👋 I'm a Leadership Coach and Product Manager in California.
I work with individuals to develop leadership and emotional intelligence skills that help them thrive in their personal lives and achieve professional goals. I work with teams to encourage proactive and productive communication frameworks that drive change and keep everyone performing at top innovative capacity. This blog is an exploration into how technical teams can strengthen themselves in order to achieve the world-changing goals they set for themselves.
I love to learn, and I also love to code. Lately, my preferred languages are JavaScript, python, and SQL, with a sprinkling of CSS to make it all look great! So, in addition to writing about technically awesome teams, you'll probably see posts here related to React development, data science, AI and machine learning, blockchain, fintech, and other technologies that spark my sense of wonder. If you have any questions related to any of the above or how teams working in these spaces can become even more awesome, get in touch and I'll try to cover it in the blog!
And if you or your team need a creative jumpstart or a set of fresh eyes to help lead them toward transformative change, I am available to coach both individuals and organizations in the art of innovation. Drop me a message to discuss!